Friday, March 12, 2010


"Jesus answered, 'It is written: "Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God. " ' "Matthew 4:4

After listening to a recent message given by Seth Evans titled, "Faithful Men," I spent some time reflecting on my life. I have been a lot busier this quarter than I have been in the past and the last couple of weeks I have been feeling a little burned out. At first, I thought the reason for this was simply my busy lifestyle and lack of sleep but looking back I realized it was something much more than that. The real reason I was feeling burned out was because of a significant decrease in the time I had spent reading the Bible during that time. I didn't think it would matter if I missed a couple days of reading because I told myself I had the rest of my life to read the Bible. However, I realized that having this type of mindset was damaging my relationship with Christ. Without a daily intake of the word of God my relationship with Him was withering.

Jesus says in the above verse that we live on "every word that comes from the mouth of God." As a Christian you need these words to survive and all you have to do to find these words is open your Bible. That is where God will speak to you. Think about how much time you spend eating each day and how uncomfortable you get when you miss a meal. The same thing happens when you miss your intake of the word of God. You have probably seen pictures of people who are starving in countries less fortunate than the US. If you are not reading God's word then that is what you could look like spiritually. I encourage you to set a goal for yourself in reading the Bible. Set a time that you will read and than plan the rest of your life around that. Make it one of the things in your life that you do everyday, just like eating. If you do this, you will see your relationship with the Lord grow stronger and stronger everyday and you will live a more fulfilled life than you ever have before.

1 comment:

Thad said...

Very true- and oh, the things people will eat when they are starving. It is tempting to try to stifle your hunger with unhealthy stuff when you get out of the habit of eating healthy. I think that applies to both physical things and spiritual things.