Friday, October 1, 2010

How to Describe a Relationship with God

I have been very busy this week.  My days consisted of me leaving for work in the morning, and after work leaving for play rehearsal, and then going home.  On top of that, I had a cold all week.  Why am I saying this? My wife has not had a chance to spend time with me.  I got to thinking how my wife probably feels, and how that feeling is probably how God feels about me a lot of the time.

I would come home in the evenings to a loving woman who had cooked and cleaned and taken care of the dog even after having a stressful day at work.  She would urge me to relax because I wasn't feeling well; no work was expected of me.  I didn't even have to pack my lunch. 

Naturally, a feeling of guilty appreciation is what I felt when I realized what she was going through, and how much she loved me.  So, I told her, "when I feel better, and this play is over" (in a couple of days), "I'll give you plenty of attention and spend a lot of time with you."

How many times have I told God I was busy?  For me, if I do not have a scheduled time of prayer and reading the Word, I don't do it.  Sometimes a week or two will pass where I do not spend any sincere time with God.  I know that God is probably thinking, just like my wife, "I love him, and I will always take care of him... but I long to be with him."

So here's my point: spend time with God.  A relationship with God doesn't always involve asking Him for something.  Even though God will always love you, if you serve God with all your heart you will find so much more value in the relationship- what it is meant to be.

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