Friday, December 6, 2013

The Age of (Lazy) Skepticism

“The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand; repent and believe in the gospel.”
These are the first words of Jesus in the gospel according to Mark and I find it very interesting that the first command that Jesus gives is “repent” because that literally means “to think again” or “to rethink”. I say I find it interesting because it is not rare to find people who view Christians as people who do the exact opposite – who don’t think and refuse to think. And while I will not deny that there are Christians who give support to this view, I will submit that this problem is not limited to Christians but is fast becoming the default condition in the world in which we live. You could call this the age of skepticism, where people are encouraged to question but NOT to take the time to seriously think about the question. There is a skepticism that encourages thought and discovery but that is not the kind of skepticism that you will see flourishing today, where people are content to pass through life without seriously considering the big questions of life. An example might help - two men are both skeptical about the existence of the state of Michigan. They both have one or two good reasons for this skepticism but here is where they differ: one of the men uses this skepticism to delve into the evidence, to search out for the truth, to find answers to the hard questions while the other uses his skepticism to disregard the question altogether, to stop seriously thinking any more about the issue, relying on that one reason to support his choice.
Here is the point, regardless of whether or not you say you believe in Jesus Christ, have you thought about it? I mean really thought about it? Have you read and considered the words of Jesus himself? Have you read and considered ANY of the writings of the many great thinkers of the past – Christian and non-Christian? Have you used your skepticism to search out the truth, to stimulate thinking? Or have you become content living the rest of your life without seriously investigating whether or not your beliefs are true? Whether or not your beliefs correspond with reality? Jesus believed that his words, his life, his worldview would hold up under serious thinking. He commands us to think again about life. To think again about serious questions related to our existence. To think again about a life spent with him. Will you?